As for desserts, I went with a pumpkin brownie minus the walnuts. These were really good - enjoyed by all!
I made an Oatmeal Crumb Apple Pie. I used Jonagold apples from PA. The spices were fabulous. Shhh! Don't tell. I had to have some for breakfast one day too.
On Wednesday afternoon, Peanut and I went to my inlaw's. Peanut and Nana peeled the potatoes for the mashed potato casserole. John was at rehab and we used this time to finish up for the meal.
Peanut's annual request is for Strawberry Jello salad with a pretzel crust. This year, we made it with raspberries as I forgot to get strawberries. I have to say Peanut did not do the best job with the cheese layer in the salad. It gave the sides of the dish character.
He had to try it out to make sure is wasn't poisonous.
Peanut was a big help. I know Nana enjoyed having him there.
In keeping with their annual Thanksgiving tradition, Peanut and the Big Guy ran in the 4 Miler Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. I snapped this photo after Peanut got home. What is it with teasing the dog with a pretzel?? Peanut took third in his age group with a time of 27+ minutes. Pretty darn fast!
We convinced John to help us with the turkey breast. It all came back to him and sliced the turkey perfectly.
I forgot to get pictures of us eating. The meal was very enjoyable. We had plenty and everything tasted good. We are thankful for so much - most of all the love of family. It has been more pronounced as we work through the healing of my FIL.
It did not take long for the turkey to make everyone sleepy...
Pumpkin was out first.
In between naps, I rallied the men to get a picture on the couch - three generations. Gotta love it!