We got some grim news on Tuesday regarding our air conditioner. The condenser was out! At that point, we had three options. One was to rebuild the compressor, one was to replace the outside unit with a low end unit, or replace the entire system. To compound the issue, the technology is changing in 2010 as mandated by the federal government. If we replaced only the outside unit, the inside evap coil could go in 2011 and we'd have to cross our fingers that it was still available. We plan on staying in this house for quite some time. We opted to replace the entire system. I know I am wacky to show it off. But, it is a major investment. It looks wonderful, it is more energy efficient, and it is cooling the house - not to mention eliminating the humidity.
Look at the new unit compared to the old unit in the background. Our baby unit is still plugging away.

During the installation -

There is an art to how they install the systems. I was intrigued. Their work conditions are awful. They were in the attic all day and the high was in the low '90s.
We are thrilled it is done. We are sad that our slush fund is not as pudgy as it was. We've decided to put the serious car search on hold for a few months to save.
Thank goodness!!! I'm glad you are finally able to cool off. Hope school is going well for the boys and enjoy your holiday day today!
good choice!
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