I am grateful that his illness wasn't anything more! And, I used it as my excuse to read another book. I finished Promise Me by Nancy Brinkler. As I was reading it, I thought everyone who knows anyone affected by breast cancer needs to read this story. You could even extrapolate it to anyone with cancer. The growth of the Susan G. Komen organization is absolutely amazing. I enjoyed learning the history and will participate in the Race for Cure with insight and appreciation. One underlying message is for the patient to be the patient's advocate. You know yourself the best and need to stand up for what you know.

Nancy Brinker is a character as stated by her sister and as told throughout the book. Her commitment to fight against breast cancer is inspirational. The book is insightful. I wanted to keep reading to learn more. As women, we have to be educated and do our part to minimize the impact of breast cancer.
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