Monday, February 21, 2011

MRTC Cross Country Winter Series

The boys completed the winter series yesterday. The series consisted of a 3K, 5K, 8K, and 10K over the last month or so. There wasn't much winter-like about the run.

The run was at Shelby Farms. It was a bit mental as you made three loops running by the finish but not finishing until the last loop. I took Buddy and we went to the off-leash park first. He was in heaven. He about pulled me into the water. He was so excited to go for a swim.

This picture and this picture were on the first loop.

The course is pretty hilly and it was really, really windy!

Look at Peanut's hair as he crosses the finish line. The Big Guy was struggling a bit. But, he stuck with it and finished.

The Big Guy threw out those running shoes and announced that it is time to bring the bike down. He stuck with the running through the series and is yearning to get out on his two wheels.

I hope his motivation wears off on me. I've been a slug of sorts. I am thinking about investigating the couch to 5k app. We'll see!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I was going to ask if Mom is going to join them?? ;)