Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Grace Card

This afternoon I went to see the movie, The Grace Card.

It was a wonderful movie. The message is powerful. And, the movie was shot right in Memphis, TN. There were so many good "lines" in this movie.

I grabbed the following from the movie website:

We need more movies like this especially in a city where the race card is one of the first excuses folks pull. I am so proud of this company and wish them the best. Everyone needs to see this movie. If we remembered to apply the grace card, what a difference we could make!!

I am so thankful a friend emailed last night trying to round up some moms to go to this film. It was a treat and a Blessing. It is always good to have popcorn for lunch every once in awhile:)


Rodney said...

Thanks so much for your sharing the news about The Grace Card movie! .

Appreciate your support!

Bethany said...

This is when I wish I lived close to you! I will look for it... hope it's on Netflix!

Bethany said...

It's coming to Harrisburg in a week... that's only about 45 minutes away!