Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Beatles Solo

Pumpkin had his last concert of the school year - last night. It was outdoors on the town square. It is a relaxed venue. All the kids wore black and white.

The entire concert was Beatles. It was lovely.

Pumpkin had his first solo part. I did not come too prepared. But, I whipped out my iPhone while they sang this medley and tried to record his debut. When the video was processed for YouTube, the beginning got cut off. You get the idea.

He did well. I was a proud mamma!

We get to hear more of his singing this weekend at his voice recital. Looking forward to it!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Oh WOW... he sounded great!!!! I'm so proud and I am not even related!!! I love the Beatles so this would have been really fun for me to hear!