Monday, February 20, 2012

Belated Fancy Valentine's Dinner

Historically, on Valentine's we pull out the china and have a "fancy" dinner. This year, Valentine's fell on Tuesday and we just could not pull it off. Pumpkin doesn't get home until 8ish on Tuesday nights. Anyway, I decided to celebrate on Sunday. I thawed the turkey that Peanut and the Big Guy won in the free throw contest. I don't roast turkeys very often. Each time I do it, I just marvel at how simple it is. I brushed it with olive oil and sprinkled on some seasoning.

We had turkey, stuffing, steamed asparagus, bread and fruit with a dob of yogurt. It just makes me smile to use our dining room. We've really enjoyed it and the comfy chairs.
Buddy, on the other hand, prefers the table without chairs. That was his place. He'd stake out under the table. Now, with the chairs, he has to settle for a spot next to the table.

Before we finished dinner, Buddy worked his way under the table and sprawled out. Yes. We left the table with out pushing the chairs under it. The clean up was so easy. I finally tried the china/crystal mode on the dishwasher. It was simple! I just may pull the good stuff out more often. I thought about buying a few additional sterling pieces. Who knew sterling was so expensive!?!? --Can't justfy it.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Your turkey looks like I was delicious! I am sitting here awaiting our new dishwasher to be installed... now I hope it has a crystal setting too! I never use our good china or our dining room, but you've inspired me! I've wanted to go to antique shops and look for vintage sterling pieces. I just wonder if I'd be polishing all the time?