Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day, Dads!

My dad passed away 16 years ago.  I still think about him everyday.  Look at what a cute boy he was!  I love those dark brown, innocent eyes.
I don't know exactly when this was taken.  Genetics, the subject, warms my heart.  When I look at my siblings, my nieces, and my nephews, I see my dad.  What a treat that is.  Pumpkin does not have the dark eyes, but he has that stare.  We think Peanut might inherit the "five o'clock shadow."
We celebrated the Big Guy's Father's Day this evening as Pumpkin has to lifeguard all day tomorrow.  We are going to stop in and see David's dad in the afternoon.  We'll see how that goes.  All he talks about, lately, is moving back to their house.  We need all the prayers we can get to keep them in assisted living.

Hope all the dads out there enjoy their day!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Tell the Big Guy Happy Father's Day! I love seeing old photos of your father! He was so cute! Now I know where you got your eyes! I hope you had a good day and yes, we'll keep your inlaws in our prayers.