When most folks hear bullseye, they think of a dart board. That is not what you think of in my family. The name BULLS-EYE puts a smile on my face. They are those yummy Caramel Cream candies that taste so good. I love sweet chewy things. These fall right into that category. Fortunately, I am the only one in my immediate family that likes them. I don't have to share! I don't buy them very often as I have to eat them all. I bought a few today and they brightened by day. How come candy does that? It must be the memories that go along with it. My siblings and parents enjoyed the caramel creams. Mom used to always have some in a bowl when we came home to visit. We'd grab a few as we walked by. It is a good thing we did not walk by too much! If you haven't tried them, give it a shot. Just make sure you squeeze one - ever so slight - in the bag before you buy it. The Bulls-eye should be soft indicating it is fresh and ready to be gobbled up! Here's to Mr. Geotze and his confectionary business started in 1895 in Baltimore, MD!!
Okay...there must be something to this because my friend Caroline from college LOVES these too...I think she lived on them back then! You two must share the same gene or something!!!
I was thinking it may be a regional thing, but then you would like them too! I thought of you yesterday - purchased Anderson pretzels made in Lancaster!
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