I was very impressed with his maturity as his first thoughts were to give the money away and to a worthwhile cause, St Jude. He must think his mom needs a new car! I am not quite sure about a Corvette! He does look out for the puppy dog too. Ironicallly, he did not think his dad needed any money! I am not sure how he makes up for that one!?!
I love how he lists his teacher first! Quite the diplomat! And the whole wii thing is so funny!! He has a forgiving heart (I think!). I can tell you guys are great parents because of his concern for St. Jude's Childrens Hospital... he has picked up on your giving spirits!!! Have a great weekend!
His teacher was thrilled too and liked the investment he'd make in education. His teacher has been raised to best teacher ever - quite an honor coming from my little guy.
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