Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Review

My! Oh! My! The month did fly... I've been neglecting my posts, but wanted to highlight some of the month's activities *Pumpkin competed in the county swim championships this past weekend. The boys' team took second. Pumpkin had best times and is excited for State in a couple weeks. The swimming continues... *The Big Guy and Peanut started the Winter Cross Country series. So far, they've done the 3K and 5K. Fun was had by all running through the trails and mud. *Peanut attended a boy/girl Mardi Gras party for a classmate that turned 13. He had a great time. The week before, the guys went to Winterfest and spent the night here. *Pumpkin traveled with the club swim team to Auburn. They got to swim in that fancy pool. He thought Auburn was a bit too big for his liking. Hard to believe he'll be picking out a college in the near future. *Peanut's played rec basketball. His team is pretty good. He thoroughly enjoys it. I think there is only a few more games left:( *The stress of aging inlaws continues to hang over our heads. We've learned lots about assisted living facilities most of which resemble resorts. The challenge is to convince my inlaws. *I've worked quite a bit this month. *I had the 'ol play group sans kids over for lunch. It was so nice to catch up. *I am 1/12 of the way there. I challenged myself to see how long I can go w/o buying some new clothing for me. I have so much and need to wear what I have. I did have to buy the boys sweaters for the family photos. And, I bought a few new things for the house. But, those don't count. Off to a pretty good start - if I don't say so myself. *The month was warmer than normal. I saw a daffodil ready to bloom on my walk this morning. I hope they stay dormant for a bit longer as that hot summer will be here before we know it.

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