Sunday, January 15, 2012

Winterfest 2012

Winterfest is the dance for 7th and 8th graders at the middle school. Some folks go all out. Some of the dresses are quite fancy. Peanut had a futsal game right before the dance. He did a great job of transitioning into a cutie pie. He wore a bowtie David had from college. I was so impressed that he had the guts to step out and wear something "different." Who knew a girl was going to untie it shortly after he got to the dance???
The Big Guy saw this picture and commented on Peanut's height. Peanut's head won't be shoulder level for long.
A couple other boys came over to the house and they went to the dance together. We ended up with six guys spending the night after the dance. I was pleasantly surprised. The kids did great. I only quieted them down once and I think they were sleeping by about 2.
Some folks make an extremely big deal out of this dance. There are a handful of stretch limos even. I feel like that money should be donated to finding a cure for cancer. And, if we give our kids everything in 7th grade, what are we going to do when they get older? Peanut's friends were all over it. They specifically asked to ride in the vintage Volvo. We gladly loaded them up and took them to the dance in our character-filled Volvo.
I did not get much information about the dance. They apparently danced most of the time and walked around a bit. The DJ doesn't play any slow songs. Peanut did not have to ask a girl to dance. He had a good time and the boys all seemed happy when they got to our house.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

That's great! I had to chuckle because Craig has a collection of bow ties and that's how we met one of our friends-- they were both wearing bow ties at Church! In fact, we seem to have lots of friends who are bow tie wearers... time to start a club. I think these dances are probably a Southern tradition. They don't play slow dances here either, which sort of takes the pressure off! I'm happy that he had fun... he's a handsome young man (I'm sure the girls notice!!!).