Saturday, December 28, 2013

…And His Visit is Over...

Yesterday, they squeezed in as much Xbox as they could.  He is not allowed to play at the Academy.

He had to take civilian clothes with him and opted for this goofy Vanderbilt hat.  I think it is one he doesn't mind losing.
 We were at the airport early for a 6:20 am departure.  It was a direct flight for him.
And…he is off to the winter swim training trip.  From Florida, he will head right back to the Academy.  We aren't sure when we will see him again...
It was wonderful having him home.  I ended up sick on the couch on Friday and today.  He claims he gave it me.  Who knows!  I guess if I don't feel better tomorrow, I will stop into one of the urgent care places.  Ugh!  Hope the other two in this house don't get it.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Oh no, I hope you feel better soon! At least he is going south because the northeast is pretty cold right now. I hope you can see him again soon!