Tuesday, June 3, 2008


When I saw my odometer on the side bar, the first thing that popped into my head was this song. I did not necessarily think of this version but did not have much time to search to the vocals that were playing in my head.

Today I rode a brand new route. I found myself faced with a dichotomy on my bike. I like to explore new places, but wasn't sure I could make the ride. It was pretty hot out and the Big Guy warned me about some hills. As it turned out, I did fine and the new route was not as far as I thought it might be. I am just not talking about the woman dressed in full garb that went flying past me. I am going to rest tomorrow. My house desperately needs to be cleaned and when I ride, I don't feel like cleaning. I may try the reverse route on Thursday. We'll see!

I am toiling with the goal of 1,000 miles by summer's end. Might be too ambitious and it all depends on what defines the end of summer!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I thought maybe you were thinking of the Proclaimers' "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)"!! That's really impressive! I'm feeling very lazy right now! (I'm going to post the YouTube for you!!)