Thursday, April 5, 2012


This year, I gave up soda for Lent.  I did not slip up, but I did miss the carbonation.  I had a few Izze drinks.  They seemed a bit too sweet.  More or less, I made the conversion to water or iced tea.

I struggled with whether or not to give the soda up for good.  I decided to try one again and see how it tasted.  I do like the carbonation.  I think I will let myself have one here or there.  I may even try club soda with a splash of fruit and see if that works.

I will think before I buy more soda.  For now, I am going to slowly drink the ones we have in the fridge.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I like carbonation too, so when I miss it I drink Pelligrino with a lemon or lime slice. Or Kombucha... that has more taste to it and is probiotic (ginger is my favorite!). There's just nothing good about soda... either you've got hfcs which just puts on the pounds and causes disease or you have chemicals and that is just worse! The only "good" pop is those cokes they make with real cane sugar and they should be consumed infrequently like a dessert. :)