Monday, April 23, 2012

"New" Grill

Our grill has been out of commission for quite some time.
A few weeks go, we started looking for a new one.
We'd like to have a Green Egg, but just did not know.
The Big Guy decided to rebuild the one we had.
With some help from Pumpkin, they cleaned it out...
 They sprayed it with new paint...
They ordered new insides and put it all back together...
We had some yummy burgers and some wonderful filets this weekend.  We even ate outside on Saturday night.  We needed sweatshirts.  I even made the kids drag the cards out.  We played a few games of spoons on the patio.  Peanut needs to brush up his spoon game!  Savored the moment!

So very glad that we have a grill back...


Bethany said...

We did our first grilling of the season this past week too! Craig has wanted a big green egg for at least five years now ... I've lost track. We go to a cook-out every spring at a friends' who has one and his meat is the best I've ever tasted (but he stays up all night to slow cook it too!). Your weekend sounds like a lot of fun!

Sara :) said...

Those Big Green Eggs are AWESOME! I want one of the tabletop ones (they're adorable, but way out of my price range).