Thursday, March 4, 2010

Southeastern Championships

Pumpkin and I were back in Nashville this past weekend for the Southeastern Short Course Swim Championships. It was his last time to compete short course as a 14 year old. All in all, it was a good weekend. I see him spreading his wings a bit. I keep telling myself that that is a good thing. He swims lots of yardage at these events. A team member's mom took lots of photos. I snagged few. Here he is getting ready to swim the mile, his last event. It just makes me sick to think of swimming a mile. Pumpkin has this little ritual of shaking his arms when he is behind the block. It is just his little thing.

Here he is getting ready to step up on the block. I like seeing his teammate in the background warming up for his event.

Trust me. His hands and arms are still shaking!

I wonder what is going through his head at this point. He's got the entire race in front of him.

Look at those muscles across his back.

He did trim time. But, he wanted to trim more.

I love this shot and the droplets of water.

The next week or so will be easy going on the swim front. I don't know what Pumpkin will do with his extra time. When he gets back in, it will be long course. That wall will seem like it is so far away!!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Can you believe that he's your son?? He is growing up so much! He looks very tall. I can tell you one thing-- swimming during these years gives boys a great physique-- Craig hasn't lost his broad shoulders and swimmers body after all these years!