Friday, July 16, 2010

More July 4th Photos

Pumpkin got a disposable camera for his trip to Pensacola. Wouldn't you know it? He forgot to use it.

So, he slipped it in the car and snapped some shots when we were in Cincinnati. Keep in mind that Pumpkin took all these photos and did not the digital technology to see what he was taking.

I was trying to get a laugh out of Pumpkin with this pose. I think all I got was an, "Oh, Mom!"

Love this shot of my niece's family. Aren't they adorable?

Of course, the grandparents are adorable too!!

Only the 12 year old could figure out how to look at the camera. Too cute!

The Big Guy was trying to compete with my pose. What do you think? I like mine better than his.

I think this was one of the last photos on the camera. When Pumpkin saw this pic, he commented on the height difference. He knows he has gotten taller, but just doesn't realize it until he sees it in a picture. I've noticed it when he gives me a hug as he has to lean down to put his head on my shoulder.

BTW, you can't get disposable film developed at Costco anymore. That is a thing of the past. We had to drop this off at Walgreen's. The good thing - a free CD of the photos came with the pictures.


Bethany said...

I have a new theory that the kids take better photos than we do! These are great of all of you! And yes, your photo is better ;) This is so non-related to this post but I heard the Go-Go's on the radio this morning... "Skidmarks on my Heart"... and I thought of you!!! Do you remember singing all of those songs?! It makes me smile!

Rachel said...

Great pictures! That was such a fun weekend!