Sunday, May 13, 2012

Prom 2012

My boy getting ready to head to prom
(Note to self - do something about the hair and opt out of horizontal stripes)

We all met for pictures at the Square
I love seeing the smiles on their faces
Look at the cuties!
I did not have the fancy camera
Can't wait to see the shots others took.
As I type this,  I am waiting for a text on updates.  We are all struggling to stay awake.  I took a little nap.  The Big Guy is on the couch in our bedroom.  Peanut was up all night last night at a school lock in.  He's wide awake because he slept all day.

I hope to hear that they danced the night away!!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Aw, these are great photos! He looks so handsome! I hope they had a great time! And that you had a good Mother's Day the next day (even though you all were probably pretty tired!) :) The first thing I thought when I saw your photo was how pretty you looked!