The boys and I started our adventures at a swim meet in Nashville. It was a very fast meet. Pumpkin did well trimming time in all but one of his events. The meet was long not providing us with the opportunity to do much else. Peanut and I got up and walked every morning. It was hot and I wanted to make sure we got some form of exercise in. We stopped into the Vanderbilt Bookstore. I took advantage of the sweatshirts being on sale. As soon as the meet was over, we hopped in the car and headed for Cincinnati. The ride was uneventful except for a construction slow down. We made it
home by 11pm. My mom was thrilled to see us.
We finally got to meet my niece's daughter. Isn't she a cutie? I finally got to hold her. Pumpkin walked by and she grabbed for him. He was an instant hit with her. They are moving to the Nashville area. I am thrilled we will have the opportunity to see them more.

I finally finished a belated birthday gift for my sister. Her birthday was in April. I have grown attached to these ball band dishcloths. I love how the colors pop. I have another one on my needles just in case I need a gift.

During one of the days at home, we headed to
Kings Island. This was the place when I was little. Boy! It has changed. My niece, Anna, joined us for the day. It was great having her along as I got to hold the bags and did not have to ride all the scary rides. In this picture, Peanut is getting ready to ride his first big roller coaster. He hopped on the Vortex and loved it. Remember the mention of the sweatshirts? We pulled them out. The weather was so pleasant. We loved it!!

This used to be Hanna Barbara land. Now, it is a haunted Scooby ride. Pumpkin was the master! Isn't this a cute photo?

They tamed the Beast! This used to be my favorite ride. It used to tower over everything. The roller coaster technology has come very far. The rides are enormous!

Does blueberry ice cream count for dinner? As the ultimate ice cream lover, I ruled this disgusting. Fortunately, those who got it loved it.

This ride used to be named Face Off. It is now called Invertigo. The interesting twist here is that you face other riders. The Big Guy was crying of laughter when he got off the ride. He was tickled by Pumpkin's facial expressions. This was one of the rides that Peanut opted out of.

The Fire Hawk was a new ride last year. It is very intimidating. The Big Guy and my niece thought it was awful. They felt like they were falling. Pumpkin, on the other hand, loved it feeling like he was flying. Peanut hopped out at the last minute. The Big Guy said he made the right decision. Again, the technology is amazing!

Pumpkin finally got his nerve up and rode the newest coaster,
Diamondback. It soars 235 feet in the air. The harness that holds you in comes up between your legs. It gives you the sensation of floating through the air. Pumpkin was glad that he rode it, but I think he closed his eyes the entire time.

We were so worn out that we slept in the next day. We did some low key activities including a walk through Ikea. You gotta love a store that has these signs above bike racks.

On Friday, we headed to Coney Island for the Balloon Glow, a swim in Sunlight Pool and fireworks. It was a great evening. As I mentioned, the weather was mild. The pool was extremely cold. Peanut was in heaven with six diving boards. We enjoyed seeing all the balloons. They remained tethered and you could walk among them. The fireworks were fabulous!

We were glad we got to see fireworks on Friday as the weather did not cooperate on Saturday. My sister had us over for burgers. It was a nice afternoon. The kids played and we ended the night with excitement - watching her Roomba NOT fall down the stairs. That is a piece of technology too. I just may pick one up the next time I am at Costco.

We had a great week visiting with family. We stayed up way too late, but enjoyed the opportunity to sleep in. I know my mom loved all the noise in the house.
Our drive home was uneventful. Buddy greeted us at the door. This is the first time we went away and did not kennel him. A neighborhood girl took care of him. He seems to have faired well.
The laundry is done, the bags are unpacked, and we are back into the routine. We just wish some of that cool weather followed us home!!