Monday, September 27, 2010

Brooks Memphis Twilight Classic

Peanut ran in his first "real" middle school cross country meet on Saturday. It was held at the soccer fields. I kept waiting for soccer balls to come out - I'm a creature of habit and a bit slow on the uptake.

The weather was beautiful. Peanut ran 2 miles in 13.25 minutes! He did a great job and enjoyed it.

Here he is rounding the corner to the finish. He had quite a bit left in the tank, but he slowed way down to go around this corner.

Here you can see him picking it back up to get to the finish.

A friend took some photos as he finished. I hope to get them soon. I was so excited for him that I did not dig my little camera out in time!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Go A!!!!! He looks like a runner!