Monday, September 8, 2014


I get it.  One purpose of editorials is to stir up emotions.  A sports columnist from the New London Day took some cheap shots at the CGA football team recently with this column.  College football fever is fun, but the primary reason kids are at college is for an education.  The CGA experience is demanding and there is so much more to it than winning a gosh darn football game.

A CGA graduate issued his opinion in his blog.  I am so grateful that he did.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this was over line.  The CGA is funded by tax payer money.  Their purpose is to train leaders.  That training comes from education, athletics, and military requirements.

Lastly, the columnist draws some erroneous correlation between two cadets' football skills and their ability to be CG officers.  With that, the columnist was way out of line.  He has no idea how those cadets got to be the ones participating in the half time activity.  I am sure they were given an order and followed it to the best of their ability.  To the cadets, I applaud you and don't let this bring you down.  Hold your heads high!  You are cadets at CGA!  Be proud!

As for football and all the other sport teams the CGA.  Do your best and be proud!  Go Bears!

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