Sunday, April 21, 2013

Lo, How A Rose...

For many, many years, my inlaws grew roses.  They were beautiful.  They tended to them religiously.

A couple years ago, they cleared the beds saying the roses were old.  My heart paused when I saw the empty beds.  Roses were a part of them.  Without missing a season, they filled the beds with vegetables.  That was a challenge given the Memphis hot, dry weather.

Fast forward, we mowed their lawn for the last time this past weekend.  Back in a corner bed, there was one rose blooming.  Immediately, "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" popped into my head.  The verse, "This Flower...dispels with glorious splendor the darkness everywhere," made me smile.  Yes.  New owners will move in and life moves on.  We can only smile at the memories and pray our family imprint will provide them wonderful memories to come.
 This is a great time of the year to move into this house.  The azaleas are about to peak.
We are thrilled with the few details we know about the new owners.  Don't get me wrong, this is a positive thing.  We just don't want to face how old we really are!!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

It looks like a beautiful home! They sound just like my grandparents-- always had roses and a garden. Lots of good memories there. I think you're absolutely right!