Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My Own Dichotomy

Look at these inline skates. We saw them in a store in Nashville this summer. What a statement they make! I used to skate many days a week and have a nice 5-8 mile loop through the neighborhoods. This summer I did not get out much at all. I felt bad for the puppy dog and walked him instead. I couldn't leave my youngest at home alone. I wouldn't get up at the crack of dawn. The list of excuses can go on and on...

Now, it is just too hot here for the skating as I am one that wears ALL the protective equipment. Hence, the title of my blog today. Inline skating is a personal dichotomy for me. I am conservative by nature when it comes to sports. I like to be in control. I like to know the way and for the skates, the surface of the road. I am not competitive. I don't want to get hurt. That all started years ago when I fell off my backyard monkey bars and had to have some teeth bonded. I am a cautious skater, but have improved my skill level over the years. The skating is outside and inside my comfort zone. I love the relaxing sound of the skates stroking the pavement. It is great for something to be relaxing mentally yet exerting physically. I fear the steep decent with no grass to run off into. I have fallen. But, the injuries were just minor.

Yet, I yearn for the cooler weather to get back out there. Odd. Huh? I thoroughly enjoy doing something that strikes a chord of fear in me as I do it. I flirt with the idea of doing a half or full inline marathon. That exudes terror!!! But, we will see. I may just buy these skates and go for it!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

You were always braver than me!!! I would love to learn inline skating but it's the falling that keeps me from trying. I like those skates! ;)