Friday, May 15, 2009

Mother's Day Recap

Look at the lovely flowers I got from my mother in law. Most of the roses came straight from her amazing rose garden. The aroma was incredible. Pumpkin added a rose he got for me from PRE class. The carnation came from after mass. I have enjoyed the flowers all week as they grace me on the table.

I knitted this dishcloth for my mother in law. It is from the first Mason Dixon knitting book. It reminds me of a basket hydrangeas. My mother in law has quite a few hydrangeas plants too. They aren't in bloom yet. We are the lucky recipients of some of the dried blooms from previous years. She is a fanatical cleaner. This dishcloth will get put to use. She told me it already has!

I am making one for my mom too. I've got a few more stitches. Fortunately, mom is very understanding as I did not get it to her on time!

The boys got me an ihome for my iphone. I love it! I am turning into a NPR junkie. In our area classical music runs during the day. I love hearing that in the back round as I putz around the house. I need to add more music/podcasts to the iphone so I can listen to lots more. As an added feature, the ihome charges the phone. I just pop it in and don't have to pull the cords out.

When I planned the menu for the week, I forgot Sunday was Mother's Day. My boys did not break stride. They jumped at the chance to make me dinner. This was such a gift to me. The Big Guy doesn't like to cook at all! We tried a new recipe using some veggies from the farmer. It wasn't the best but I enjoyed being served a meal.

This mom job certainly has its days. Most of the time, it is the best job in the world!

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