Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Harvard Pilgrim 5K at Patriot Place

The boys registered for a 5k at Patriot Place.  There was a 10k option.  We are so glad they did not do that.  It was so hot.  Again, we brought the Memphis weather with us this summer!

Anyway, the venue was very cool.  Peanut doesn't look too thrilled!
Here is another picture.  It is so interesting.  The stadium is built right next to an entertainment center.  There are shops, restaurants and even a hotel.  I mentioned it was hot, but the open venue made me wonder how cold it gets in the winter.

 The race started outside the stadium, made its way in winding up the ramps, around the upper level, down the ramps and back in to finish on the 50 yard line.
There was some smack talking going on before the run.  Normally, Peanut would put to the Big Guy.  On this day, the Big Guy just about beat Peanut!!  Peanut's knees were bothering him.  He toughed it out and finished strong.  Peanut does like to run on grass more than blacktop.  They both were sweaty from head to two.
 We hung around, grabbed some dinner, and enjoyed the fire works.
It was a nice evening until I sat on the curb in my white shorts and did not realize I sat on gum!  It was nasty.  No worries, though.  It all came out in the wash!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I bet he's been growing so much, which is hard on the knees! Plus, your hubby has a lot longer legs! ;) I am very impressed that they even did this... and I'm feeling like a slug myself.