Monday, May 19, 2008

Itch to Sew

The last few days the thought to sew has entered my mind more than once. Today, I stopped at Hancock's and looked through all their pattern books for THE top to strike my fancy. I did not see anything. I beat myself up thinking I am not creative enough to see past all the options in the books. They are in the process of renovating the store. It was very distracting. I left empty handed.

I remembered seeing a shirt on a blog. I just tried to search for the blog and could not find the inspiring picture. I remembered the pattern. I googled it and entered a credit card number. It will be here in days! It is this Built by Wendy pattern. The pattern does not do the top justice. I am thinking a plain top in some cool linen material. I have not sewed from a pattern in years. I am not sure why I have this itch to do this. We'll see how it turns out and I will post some pictures if I get that far!!

I have decided this blogging is bad for the wallet. I was surfing blogs today. It led to me ordering a subscription for Seeing the Everyday. I am anxious to get my first copy. I give a review to let you know what I think!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Both of us have that itch! Though I've never sewn my own clothing before. You'll definitely have to share how the top turns out! Jane sews a lot of her own tops. And I saw that magazine too... sounds like a good one! I'm considering the subscription!