Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Arrr! Matey!

A pirate washed ashore at our house today just in time for pirate day in a certain 4th grade class. His sweater has some battle wounds. Fortunately, there was no blood shed. I was pleased with the costume. I went to the Junior League Repeat Boutique to find most of the wardrobe. Talk about nomial! I am crossing my fingers that it can double for Halloween.

I volunteered in the classroom where they learned about using stars to navigate the ocean. The kids made their own sextants using a straw, protractor, fishing line, and a washer. Here is my trusty pirate scanning the horizon with his sextant.

The pirates were challenged with finding out what latitude we reside at. I think the sky will be clear tonight. We'll get to brave the cold, find Polaris, use his sextant, and determine what latitude we are. I won't even think about googling it!

Good Day, Matey!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

That looks like a lot of fun! Caroline was a pirate last year... she might be pulling out that costume again if she decides she's not "too old" to go trick-or-treating!
Do you remember going to Mr. Sarvo's house in 8th grade and he said, "Aren't you girls a little old to be out?" Of course I was taller than most mothers at that point!!!!! I'll never forget that! ;)