Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Peanut Update

Last week, Peanut had the awards ceremony at school.  Principal's honor roll, again!  This is the last one in middle school.  Hard to believe!  The final promotion ceremony is held offsight.

He would not give me a pose and was shaking his head when he walked by me.  I'm his mom - had to snap some photos, anyway!
Here is his latest news - -
Basketball injury last night.  Spent 5+ hours at the ER.  Has the cast and crutches for a week minimum. He said that it is going to be a long one as he tries to wrap his head around no physical activity.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Oh no! Poor guy. I hope he heals quickly. Maybe you could teach him to knit? ;) Congratulations on the great grades!!! (He definitely takes after you!!)