Saturday, August 16, 2014

Creature of Habit

Peanut gets home from school about 2:15.  During the school year, the routine is Peanut walks through the door and drops a scoop of dog food in Buddy's bowl.  We learned very early on that he could not wait until our dinner time to eat.  Some days is seems like he can't wait for Peanut to get home.  That was the case yesterday.  Buddy started barking and prancing around at about 1:50pm.  He got our attention.  For sure!  Pumpkin tackled him smothering him with pets to get him to be quiet.  We finally caved in and fed him a few minutes before Peanut walked through the door.  I know this dog has us trained!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Ha! Isn't that always the case??