Thursday, April 10, 2008

Boy Filling Big Shoes

Too funny! My soccer player came home last night and sat right down for dinner. It was his dish night which he doesn't like. He starts complaining and whining from the time he realizes he'll have to do the dishes. My husband had to leave the kitchen as Peanut kept begging for assistance. It doesn't help that he takes forever to do the dishes. After a few minutes, we got a call to come back to the kitchen and this is what we saw. It brought smiles and laughter. As I was grabbing my camera, Peanut said that I should blog the photo calling it "boy filling big shoes." So, there you go! In the blink of an eye, my nine year old will fill those shoes!!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

He is funny!! Actually very witty... that boy takes after his mom (okay, maybe really his Dad as he's indicated!)