Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Too Short!

What is it with pajama pants?

My flannels and my knit ones are all too short. And, no. My girth has not expanded. I don't know what it is, but I am blaming it on the washing machine. It might be a case of you get what you pay for. I've never been one to pay much for sleeping attire.

I made the executive decision to add the high waters to the Goodwill bag. While I was organizing my jammies, I found a few others to add to the bag. After Peanut was born, I bought two sets of shortalls. They were perfect for the summer and perfect for nursing. I guess I've gotten more modest in my "old" age. Or, I just don't like exposing all that skin. I put them in the bag too. It took some convincing. Why did I care? I haven't worn them in a few years.

I guess it is just sentimental taking me back to the days when my baby was eensy weensy!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I hear you! I hate when they shrink and they are usually too short on me to begin with. I just bought the guys lounge pants in sizes larger than they usually wear so when they shrink, they'll still fit! I'm surprised you didn't make something out of the fabric of those, especially with such sentimental value.