Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Buddy at Dinner

Ever since Buddy was a puppy, he loves to be under things. For awhile, he curled up under the coffee tables. Then, he got too big! At dinner time, Buddy joins us for his spot under the kitchen table. He doesn't beg. He just sprawls out under there while we eat. We have a joke that you have to claim your foot space before he gets comfortable. In the winter his coat keeps feet nice and warm.

A week or so ago, we sat down for dinner. At the end of the meal, the Big Guy commented that he could not move. Buddy had him "locked" in. Pumpkin jumped up for the camera capturing this shot. Buddy is curled up in the Big Guy's territory.

Up close, you get the real picture. I think Buddy was actually catching a few zzzzz's with his head on someone's shoe. Too cute!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

That's so funny!!! But what is funnier is that I think we both have the same exact dining set!!! I'd recognize those chairs anywhere!!! Not only does this happen with my sisters, now it's happening with my best friend!! ;)