Thursday, January 21, 2010

First Read in 2010

photo taken from

Right before the holidays, I started reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I did not finish it until the start of the New Year. Wow! What a book. I was a skeptic - just 'cause the book is on the best sellers list doesn't mean it will be good. This one is an enjoyable read. We live in the South and this gave me a perspective of what it was like in the early '60s. Yes. The book is about maids and the work they do for the white folks. But, the book is about WAY more than just that. It is an easy read that really makes you think. We all draw lines, racial, religious, social, financial, whatever. This book made me more cognizant to minimize the lines I draw and try to see people for who they really are.

My mother-in-law was raised in Louisiana. Lots of this book is familar to her. It opened doors for us to discuss her life and how things were. I want Pumpkin to read it so he can have some wonderful discussions with his grandma sharing her memories.

Add The Help to your list of must reads. It is Kathryn's first novel. What a good one it is!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I usually try to get ahold of books you suggest (I have several on my pile to read right now!) it looks like I'll definitely be getting this one too! I'm reading Luncheon of the Boating Party by Vreeland. Actually just started and am having trouble with the pretend thoughts of Renoir. But a friend said it was a great book so I'll keep reading! Did you read that one?