But, a friend just emailed these photos and I decided to post them. I can't believe Halloween is history. All the good candy (lost of yucky stuff remains) is just about gone and we are moving rapidly toward the big Turkey day.
Here are the boys and a neighbor before trick or treating.
Here are some neighborhood kids getting antsy to get the show on the road.
The two dads and I waiting for it to all get started. The dads walked with the younger kids. I went home to hand out the candy. I pulled out my orange LLBean jacket I've had for years. It is the perfect jacket for Halloween, but not the best if you are a Vandy fan in Tennessee country!
I'm trying to stay away from the loot, but I did take an Almond Joy...my favorite!! By the way, I love the chef costume on your neighbor...tell her that was a great idea!!! I might suggest that one to Caroline next year ;))
It was a really cute idea. She used a hat box to decorate the cake. I wonder if it got old holding the cake AND the candy!
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