Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Phone Calls

I finally called my sister to wish her a belated Happy Birthday. It was good just to catch up and chat with her. My cell phone battery needed to be charged. So, I just sat on the floor while it charged. That was my excuse for not doing anything else while talking to her. I do tend to sit down when the phone rings. I find it can be really distracting to try to do more than one thing while talking. I use the bluetooth if I am ironing, but that is just not the same.

Later in the afternoon, I talked to another mom. Her son and my son are friends. It was so nice just to hear from her. There was a "formal" dance at school this weekend. My son did not go because of the swim meet. Her son went begrudgingly. He had fun, but is not into the dancing thing.

In between, I took Pumpkin to the orthodontist. They added all the brackets to his most recent adult teeth. I had my voice lesson and my throat was dry two seconds into it. I just pray I don't continue to make a fool of myself!!!

When the New Year hailed, I did not make a resolution. I did give lots of thought to what I really appreciate. One of those things was friends. I made a mental note to try to call a "lost" friend or send out an email. I haven't done the best job of actually contacting folks, but I do think about lots of friends daily. Making the phone call to my sister was reaching out to a friend:)

1 comment:

Bethany said...

It's so easy to get busy and not call. And I'm one of those people who talk and fold laundry at the same time (though I don't remember folding afterwards, but's done!) Maybe the dry voice thing is partly nervousness. Isn't the point to be "learning", not "being an expert" so it's okay if you're not perfect? You're great Becky and you should be proud of how much you've already done and learned!! And tell Elliot that he's so lucky to miss the dance... I honestly never enjoyed formals that much! (I do have a great picture of you from one though!!!)