Friday, January 11, 2008

Rainbow Forest

Last week when my nephews were here, we started this puzzle. We only got as far as separating the pieces, turning them right-side up, and completing most of the border. My one nephew kept saying it was going to take a bazillion days to complete this puzzle. It was difficult at the onset, but fairly easy once you focused on an animal. We finished it last night. I love the mental challenge of assembling a puzzle. We spread it out on the dining room table. Each time you walked by, you could just do a piece. For me, it is addicting and I find I just can't do one!

Here our some pictures of our creation. Peanut helped capture the completed photos.

I think we are going to glue this one together and hang it in the playroom. The colors are perfect and the spaceship puzzle currently hanging has seen its better day.

Finishing the puzzle last night was a bit sentimental. When we lived in PA, before kids when the snow hit, we pulled out the puzzles. We'd hunker down and go to work. It was fun. In between shoveling, we'd come back to the puzzle.

This one has inspired me. I'll have to look for another one!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Wow. It's been a long time since I did a puzzle! And it's been a long time since we had real snow in Pennsylvania!!! I wonder if we'll get snowed in this year? and I wonder if we have any puzzles around!