Sunday, January 13, 2008

Scarf Complete - Finally!

I finished the scarf for my sweetie! He is such the trooper. I wrapped the scarf up unfinished for him as a heartfelt Christmas present. It took me this long to finish it. I had to squeeze in a few other projects. And, knitting the scarf was pretty boring. If I do another one, I will need to spice it up for entertainment. After I started this one, I saw a scarf pattern where you knit it long-ways. I think that will be the next one I try. I just need to get the right needles.

The boys are avid Colts' fans. I used it as my excuse to just sit down and knit in the middle of the afternoon. My husband was kind enough to model it. It has been rather warm here. The scarf may not get much use:( I was thinking a date night. He could wear the scarf with the nice grey sweater I gave him. Who knows! I am sure he will get to wear it. He thought is was very soft. I told him he had to knit me one and he just laughed hysterically!!!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Wow... it turned out great!!!WHEN did you start knitting?! You're a pro now. I think the colder weather is about to come back so tell him to get ready...