Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Afternoon Adventure

The weather was severe today. It all waited until after school was out. The schools thought ahead and cancelled all after-school activities. I grew up getting out of school due to snow, but did not get out because of impending tornadoes. I thought we might get spared. I was in the middle of cooking dinner, glanced outside and walked to the Mac to see what weather.com was saying. There was a tornado warning! It must have just been issued as the sirens did not sound for about another minute. The boys and I scrambled getting what we'd need. We made room in the closet preparing to hunker down. We don't have a basement making our rally point an interior closet. My older son grabbed the bike helmets. What a great idea! We made sure we had our shoes on and I made sure my ID was close by. I called my husband wondering if he was going to be the last one at work. He decided to make his way home.

Fortunately, the storm went just to our west. We hung out in the bedroom waiting to take refuge. The closet is not that big and could not hold us all for long. There are reports of tornadoes that went through the area. It is all too close for my comfort.

The weather prevented us from watching American Idol. We were all bummed. The local network promised they would rerun it in its entirety. We just don't know when that will be!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I'm hoping that means that everything is all right now! This reminded me of when we lived in South Carolina for a year... no basement and tornado warnings. I'm so glad you were safe.