Thursday, February 14, 2008

How Do I Love Thee...

Let Me Count the Ways~ ~

1. For the hugs you are always ready to give even very early in the morning
2. For the endless number of foot massages you have given
3. For your beautiful blue eyes, wavy hair and biker legs
4. For willpower you have to exercise in the cold and rain or the sun and heat
5. For being a wonderful father
6. For knowing me better than I know myself sometimes
7. For the loving emotion you have beneath the quiet exterior
8. For willingly listening to my singing and developing an interest in it
9. For sleeping on that cot for 52 nights while we waited for the birth of a healthy baby boy. And, willing to do all again. (Fortunately, we did not need to.)
10. For mopping the kitchen floor and doing the laundry
11. For being my best friend for more than half my life. Gosh! We are getting old.
12. For working hard providing me the chance to “play” here at home
13. For loving me just the way I am – curves and all!
14. For eating all the recipes I’ve experimented with. I finally learned to skip those with dark meat chicken
15. For making me laugh (I know it can be tough, sometimes)
16. For trusting me
17. For wearing those Keen sandals with white socks in the middle of winter. I am not sure if that fashion statement caught on!
18. For eating all the ice cream right along with me when you preferred some other dessert
19. For being happy and content with what you have – all that you have
20. Lastly, in honor of today, for the twenty years of Valentine’s! I honestly don’t remember them all, but there is nothing better than having the one I love right here with me on this day.


1 comment:

Bethany said...

You two make a perfect couple!! I just love what you wrote...I got goosebumps! why? Because I remember being in high school and wishing for you to meet a boy who really loved you and appreciated you for the wonderful person I know you are. And my wish came true!