Monday, February 18, 2008

Yahoo! Cast OFF!!

We got great news this morning. Pumpkin got his cast off! The wait was atrocious. I made a mental note to avoid orthopod offices on Mondays. They work in all the injuries from the weekend. I was trying to set a good example for the boys, but was near the end of my rope. The doctor is amazing and my angst seemed to disappear when she entered the room. The Xrays looked great with the growth plate healing nicely. Pumpkin did not have any pain associated with the ankle. The bruising was another thing. You can see some of it in the pictures.

Peanut was so excited to come to the appointment too. He wanted to see the cast get cut off. What I did not think of was what Pumpkin's ankle would look like. I almost lost Peanut when he saw the bruising. Yes. Peanut, the innocent bystander, almost fainted right there in the office. Fortunately, he was sitting in my lap. He tucked his head in my shoulder and started crying. I still wasn't on his page until I realized he was all clammy. I know he gets this way at the sight of blood. I did not think seeing the bruise would do it too! It took him a few minutes to recover. We had to wait, wait and wait some more.

Peanut picked up Pumpkin's book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid (I want to read it as I heard adults will like the book, too), and started reading it. I tried to focus on knitting. It was tough as I was ready to go home!

Pumpkin was singing and goofing around on the table - just waiting!

Pumpkin now has a lace up sock thing he as to wear when he is not swimming, sleeping or showering. He has exercises to do to strengthen the muscles. The sock thing protects his ankle. In this weakened state, he is susceptible to hurting it again doing something so simple as stepping over a rock. He is going to get in the pool this afternoon. We can only hope for the best going off the block and doing flip turns.

The best part is that he was cleared to swim in the Southeastern Championships on Thursday. We'll be heading to Nashville for the weekend. Sounds like another blog entry in a few days!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Wow... he's really lucky it wasn't worse! One week is really quick for a cast. I'm with Adam... I'd probably feel queesy too! And Diary of a Wimpy Kid is Nathaniel's favorite book! I'll have to tell him that he's reading it :) Good Luck on Thursday!!!!!