Tuesday, September 25, 2007


We've always thought my older son had a beautiful voice. As a young boy, he sang constantly. He is an auditory learner. When he learned how to spell his name, he sang the song I composed when he was a baby baby. I used to sing it to him - what seemed like all the time. We continued to sing the song adding our names as he learned them and adding names as our family grew. If you ask him the Lord's Prayer or the Hail Mary prayer, he'll sing it to you.

My son is going to audition for the All West chorus held in our state. It is the first year that he is eligible. I don't have any idea what to expect. I understand that it is very competitive. He has gotten the music and practiced for a few weeks now. I talked to his choir director the other night at the Open House wondering if this is something he should pursue. She was very complimentary describing his voice as a very beautiful Cambiata.

Cambiata? What does that mean? I asked my choir director last night (Yes. I've enjoyed singing, too.) He said that it literally means "changing voice." Our son's voice has not started changing yet. He has a higher voice range. After googling Cambiata, I found out it is the term describing boys with voice ranges like my son's. The Cambiata concept is accredited to the late Irvin Cooper. He analyzed middle school aged boys determining some did not fit into traditional music parts.

I haven't spent much time analyzing my son's music. I want it to be his thing. He has been assigned the Alto part. He has a CD that highlights his part. Right now he is just supposed to practice, practice, practice. He has four weeks before the audition. I am thinking I may be more nervous than he is. He is fortunate to be getting lots of one-on-one attention at school. He may meet with my conductor a few times trying to get over the fear of singing for a stranger.

We got to hear him practice tonight and it gave me goose bumps. He has been given a gift and we pray he can make the most of it!

P. S. - This is my first posting with a link embedded in the text. This blogging is teaching me so much!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

This is really interesting! Nathaniel is my singer and we are considering finding voice lessons for him. I am not a singer so I found the article fascinating! I know what you mean about being more nervous than our child when they have auditions. It's okay if he doesn't make it...that doesn't mean he's not a good singer...just that it wasn't the right time or venue for him. But I have a feeling he is going to do great! You have two very talented and special boys there!!!!