Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Burgers, Baby!

I've decided that turning 40 gives me the right to have small ailments every day. They are getting old AND I am getting old!!! This weekend, my older son had a swim meet here in town. We had to be ready to leave the house at 6am. I don't dare complain as all I have to do is get ready. He is the one that has to get in the pool and swim. He had a great meet. I think he cut time in every event. I was worn out from getting up so early. And, I had to spend Saturday afternoon preparing for our PRE lesson on Sunday. I try to do it before the weekend, but it just did not work out last week. On Sunday, David did the swim meet and I did mass and PRE. It was fine. Again, after it all, I was feeling tired. I was lounging around reading the paper and my wonderful husband cooked up a mighty yummy lunch.

We have grown attached to Bubba burgers. I have an aversion to handling raw meat. These Bubba burgers get around that. They are frozen patties you can plop right on the grill. The burger provided some energy. I got outside and got the grass cut. I am glad I did as it has rained quite a bit since then. We even got a few more violas planted and I set a large mum by the front door.

The ailments continued when I woke up Monday in the wee hours of the morning burning up. I grabbed some Tylenol and headed back to sleep. All day yesterday, I was just out of sorts. I was hot, then cold and achy. But, no fever. Weird! I don't know if I have something, if it is hormonal, or if it is just part of getting older! I feel better today, but the weather is very dreary. All I want to do is curl up and read a book. I need to just snap out of it! I made an appointment for a physical on Friday. I don't think there is anything major wrong with me, but it has been over a year since my last physical. I guess I can start worrying about my blood pressure now! Ever since I developed some blood pressure issues when I was pregnant with my older son, I get myself worked up about it. How irrational is that? When I come home, my blood pressure is okay. We'll see what happens on Friday!

I'd describe the last few days as blah! I did make some progress on some projects, but still have lots to do and I keep thinking of potential projects.


Bethany said...

I hope you're okay... you could have had a bug. You're allowed to feel bad sometimes-- it's not necessarily old age!!! And don't go there with me...I'm already turning 41! By the way, I love Bubba Burgers too! I agree about that raw meat thing!

Becky said...

Great minds think alike!