Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Magic Trees

I was busy yesterday cleaning out a hall closet. The beach towels were in that closet. I had a revelation that it might make sense to move the beach towels closer to Elliot's swim bag in the laundry room. So, I cleaned out the hall closet and rearranged to make room for the towels in the laundry room. I ended up with one big bag of stuff for Goodwill. I did find a few treasures in the closet. There was an unopened bag of Army men. My younger son opened them right up and went to work setting up battles in the family room. There were two packages of Magic Trees that we bought when we were in Hot Springs, AR about 1.5 years ago. I pulled them out and the kids watched them grow. It was fun to see their expressions when they saw the full grown trees this morning. I know it is some kind of crystal or salt. I just haven't researched it any farther. The trees soaked up a liquid and then they started to grow. Who ever saw a bright orange tree or even a bright pink tree? It is like magic!


Bethany said...

Those trees are so cool!!! My kids would love them. Glad to hear your cleaning out/rearranging was a success! :)

Becky said...

I feel pretty good about the cleaning. I purged some stuff. I have one more closet to go. It is the one we need to get into in the event of severe weather. It seems like we get our last dose around November. It'd be nice if it was neat. Instead, we normally take the contents and put it in the hall so we can take refuge in the closet. We have to do something as there are no basements here! Very odd!