Monday, October 29, 2007

You Buy, I Plant

A few blogs ago, I showed the beautiful pansies my older son planted. After he did that, he came up with an idea to solicit business. He designed a flyer and gave them to some of the neighbors with the idea being he'd do the dirty work. He also mentioned he could rake or weed. He struggled with what fee to charge. He decided to leave the fee up to the discretion of the employer hoping they would be fair. He just put the flyers out yesterday. It might be a bit late for pansies! We only let him give it to a few people. So far, the phone has not rang. But, his grandparents are ready to take him up on his offer.

Who knows! This might be the beginning of some business for him. I would bet he'll want to create a new flyer in the spring.

Just some Mac technology insight ~ the flyer was created in Microsoft Publisher on a different computer. I took a picture of it using PhotoBooth on the Mac. I was able to open the file in Preview and flip the image. I had grab it and then add it to the post. I am learning how to use all this machine has to offer!


Bethany said...

That is great! I would hire him in a minute if he lived here!! I left marigolds sitting out on my back porch all summer and they died before I ever planted them! Tell him good luck and spring would definately be a good time to work!

Becky said...

You are sweet! Once I finally relented and let him do it, I realized what a talent he has. I think I have one more bed to put some pansies in.

We have another month or so to get some bulbs in. It would be nice to scatter them along the back fence.